December 31, 2010

31 December.

Too many things happened in 2010. I laughed hard, I smiled, I cried so hard, I tried and failed, I did the best but came out unexpected.
But overall, it has been an extraordinary, most precious gifts for me to learn that I must not give up every single thing that I've built. Family, friends, people, they are sent to you from God, for either you learn from them or they'll be with you till the end. What I've been through these thorough months, probably the hardest, most hurting, yet the sweetest thing I can endure at the end.
What I wish for new year? Better in every aspects, commit to what I started, improve the intimate relationship that I've built to God, try harder in anything, and live like there's no tomorrow. Hope and belief would probably me. I always, truly hope for everything the best to happen in 2011.

I wish you all a Happy New Year. Be tough, strong, and have faith. 
Sincere love,


December 25, 2010

Ngafe di hari natal.

Gue sedang terduduk di tempat tidur dengan laptop di paha. Tab-tab facebook, twitter, dan website-website lainnya terpampang, tapi teteeepp aja bosan dan nggak pernah berhenti bosan.
Padahal malem ini masi hari natal dan seharusnya seneng-seneng atau kongko-kongko bareng mama dibawah. 
Lalu gue iseng baca-baca Cafe, si majalah rohani. Sampai mata gue tertuju pada kalimat-kalimat kecil yang kadang suka ada tuh dibawah bacaan sabdanya. 
Bunyinya kira-kira begini:

"Keluarga telah ditetapkan Allah sebagai 'persekutuan mesra kehidupan dan cinta kasih'. 
Maka keluarga mengemban misi untuk makin mencapai jatidirinya;
 yakni suatu persekutuan kehidupan dan cinta kasih"

Lalu gue mulai mikir. Ternyata peran keluarga itu besar dan penting. Semua-semuanya harus dilandasin asas cinta kasih (kayak asas-asas PPKN). 
Apa artinya semuanya harus berdasarkan cinta kasih? 

Setelah gue berpikir keras, muncul berbagai dugaan gue tentang kalimat-kalimat diatas. 
Gue sadar, gue punya orang tua yang luar biasa. Walaupun si papah termasuk orang yang tergalak dunia kategori marah-marah, strict, tapi dia masih punya kasih. 
Terkadang gue suka melawan kalo dia ngelarang gue ngapa-ngapain, tapi gue ngga pernah ngelawan kalo memang gue salah. Alhasil setelah gue bales segala ocehan-ocehannya, dia sadar kalo dia berlebihan dan segera baik-baikin gue lagi (karna beliau paling amat teramat suramat sebel to the max kalo gue lagi ngambekin beliau haha, maap yah Pa, sayang Papa kok! :D).

Kembali ke laptop. 
Jadi gue ngerasa, segalak-galaknya ortu sama kita, mereka masih punya hati kecil yang pasti bikin mereka nggak tenang kalo suka marah-marah nggak beralesan. At last, mereka pasti disadarin lagi sama hati kecil itu untuk mengasihi dan ngertiin kemauan anak-anaknya. Dengan begitu kita juga nggak melanggar hukum Tuhan yang tentang "Taatilah Ibu Bapamu"(btw buat yang ini terms and condition apply. Cuman kalo kita benar.)

Si Mamah mungkin peranan yang paling gue kagumin. Beliau ngajarin gue untuk tetep respect sama si Papah, nggak peduli segalak apa beliau barusan #mukamerahmatamerahberurat-urat. Mamah selalu mau ngedukung gue kalo gue bener, tapi tetep Mamah suruh gue yang tanggung jawab ke Papah. Mamah tetep kasi masukan dan semangat, dan cara-cara jitu melunakkan hati Papah. Dan yang paling gue cinta dari Mamah, beliau selalu ngingetin gue buat berdoa dan berdoa dan berdoa. Obat yang paling manjur dari segala-galanya. Tetep berpengharapan penuh, karena nggak ada yang mustahil bagi Tuhan.

Begini kesimpulan yang gue tarik dari kalimat kecil Cafe diatas dan relasi dengan kehidupan gue. 
Cinta kasih dalam keluarga itu adalah, saling mendukung, saling mengerti, saling membantu, saling menyemangati, dan saling membuka hati dan pikiran dari semua anggota keluarga, dan saling percaya. Yang terakhir adalah yang paling penting. Gue tau ortu selalu percaya sama gue, dan itu yang gue syukurin sama Tuhan. Apapun pilihan gue, sekolah kek, pacar kek, mereka selalu ngedukung dan ngajarin gue buat hargain semua orang. 
Dari cinta kasih keluarga, otomatis orang-orang luar, temen-temen, dll pasti juga ada cinta kasih karena udah berakar dan dibina dalem lingkungan keluarga.

Iyak! Begitulah analisa gue stelah mikir panjang jungkir balik ngemil dan lain-lain. Sekian.
(Untuk contoh konkrit, kembali gue promosiin tuh film yang ada di dua post sebelum ini).

Happy Christmas everyone! Be blessed :)

December 19, 2010

4th Week of Advent: Joy.

It's the fourth week of Advent period.
A bible quote from today's homily:

Psalm 62:5
"Only -- for God, be silent, O my soul, For from Him is my hope." 

It's simple enough to remind me to always joy and forget everything that matters before Christmas and listing New Year's resolutions and stick to them. 

Happy 6 days to Christmas! :)

December 15, 2010

Gochean Ave.

Kinda miss my room window view in Perth every morning. 

(hihihi ada mobil Wenwen)

Kangen Wenwen, Acid, dan Dita juga!

Salam xoxo,

December 14, 2010

Love's Unending Legacy.

Been sitting on my couch all day, clicking the remote control, searching for good movies to kill time. Then I stopped at Fox Family Movies channel.
It showed The Cutting Edge: Fire and Ice at 12 pm. A film about a figure skating partner who fight together with their totally not one another personality, for which it can be said as a dog and a cat.
But at the end, they fall in love each other, manage to top their performance on ice and get the gold.

Another movie showed afterwards, and it's titled Love's Unending Legacy.
This probably be on my number one favourite movie of the month. It's a christianity-related movie, about a small family, a single mother with a 6 year-old child.
When she was about to go to the city, she stopped in front of the church, when there was an orphan adoption selection for the citizen in that village. She didn't intend to adopt one at first, but her heart told her to pick one little girl who was being left by another. She was 10 years old. Her brother had been taken by a family, who were heartless, beating him, and forcing him to work.

This little girl was a bit stubborn, and disliked the kind hearted woman who adopted her. But this woman kept giving her heart and love to her. The woman's biological boy was cute, and helped this girl although she acted uncooperative.
One day the little girl got busted, sneaking out the house at midnight and obviously she visited her brother and gave him food everyday. Knowing that, the woman decided to pick her brother to live with them, and kept him away from the cold hearted family.

They were involved in some matters that didn't allow them to take the boy from the family. This promised little girl decided to run away together with her brother. A sheriff from the town, who fell in love with the kind woman searched the entire place for the two siblings. It was midnight and stormy rain. He was almost desperate and he decided to pray to God, asking for a path that can lead him to the siblings. Right after that, he heard a voice from the little brother of the girl and he found them. He took them and brought them home to the woman's house, and the little brother was allowed to stay and under adoption of the kind woman.

This film surely teaches how to love, share, and have faith in God. Although the woman was very simple, didn't have much money, live in a minimum condition, she still accepted the little girl and give place and food for her to live. Not to mention, she offered the little girl a new warm family, together with her mother and father who love the woman and her kids.
She also learned how to let go, but still keep the feeling for his husband (who was already died) deep in her heart, and let her feeling grow towards another person who deserves her heart.

The story was a happy ending. She married the sheriff and lived with the 3 kids.

Bored at home during this Christmas holiday? Perhaps you could visit the DVD rental shop and look for this film :)
Happy watching!

December 12, 2010

Evening desert.

Mom didn't cook today for the reason of eating too much (kuli style) during these 2 days. Damn lazy to clean the rice and even to switch on the rice cooker.
I opened the freezer and found some treasures. Mom kept a dozen of soups that my Aunt brought from Holland last time.

My dinner came out to be Wholemeal Groente (Veggie) Soup hihihi.

Told you before that I just bought custard powder and some other cooking stuff. I tried to make a Chocolate Pudding with Fruit Custard Sauce.

Putting tons of cocoa powder to make it a bit bitter and a tablespoon of Jamaican Rum to the custard.

Currently browsing for more recipes from Nigella Lawson's website, one of my favourite cooks :) I'm thinking of baking some cookies for Christmas, hope it turns well.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and God bless!

Mid day dream.

Just got multiple random thoughts.
Worrisome for uni's results in 3 days. Please, be nice to me. This might not be the best semester, or should I say just 'okay', due to some stories I've told you in the previous post about how great my group mates are, for not submitting the big project or plagiarised things from wikis.

Another thought goes for the future. But hey, this is simply weird.
I keep thinking of what ingredients should I get from the supermarket to bake bread or cookies. The weird thing is this. I was kinda like dejavu to the future (don't know what exact words to describe this), imagining as if I were a mom, who has 3 kids, err say 2. Supermarket would be my favourite spot to hang around with my kids. My mind goes of what I should make for lunch and dinner for my future husband. I think so often about it currently, indeed.
Just like today, been hanging around with mums and paps to a big supermarket here, just like Coles and Woolies. I spent 45 minutes in the ingredients rack, whilst they browsed for soaps, shampoos, or detergents stuff. I came to them with eggs, flours, custard, milk, and cooking chocolate on my hands. What am I going to make next? Well, still a blur. But at least I got the core ingredients :P

Anywho, the last thought goes to how concern I am in my daily intake of food.
I've achieved the size that I desired of my body, and no more gain please. 3 kg is enough.

Currently excited for Jakarta! Yes, I finally succeed to make mumsie booked the tickets. Just the two of us.
And finally got a seat on SQ 225 flight back to Perth. Oh yieeyy! Got excited for no reason on travelling thingy. Perhaps the part of seeing the flight schedule board, or take off, or pushing the luggage trolley make the excitement? Not sure, but indeed, I love to fly :)

Song of the day: This Christmas - Jack & Rai.

Happy 13 days to Christmas!

December 10, 2010

New wish list.

Was browsing some smartphones which exist and currently booming in the worldwide industry nowadays, and I found Android phones quite fascinate me.
I was crazy with iPhone 4 before (well, I am still in love with Apple products), but this Google Nexus S has stolen my attention :D

Quite impressive, isn't it? 
Yosh, let's start browsing for jobs!

December 9, 2010

Liburan musim panas 2.

Liburan dilanjut dengan mulai dari ngikut mama dalam pelayanan komunitasnya, sampai berlatih musik di rumah. Ikut pelayanan mama lumayan seru walaupun isinya mamak-mamak above 50 hahaha.
Gw berlatih musik buat ujian piano tingkat terakhir, dan perjuangan terakhir seorang murid piano *belum diitung tingkat diploma dan tingkat-tingkat lain yang pastinya gw udah nyerah*

Selalu puyeng sama yang namanya mas Bach. Gw nggak suka lagu yang notnya rame-rame dan tumpang tindih :S

Habis latihan klasik, gw selalu nyoba menghafal chord-chord keyboard dari buku yang baru gw beli judulnya "Kamus Akor Keyboard" yang berisi 600 variasi chord, which is lebih ke kamus daripada buku buat belajar hahaha.
Pengennya bisa ngiringin buat choir, itung-itung pelayanan buat Tuhan juga :D

Anywho, kali ini gw nyobain bikin Chocolate Chip Pancake. 

Mohon maap bentuknya rada kaya bakwan ya, tapi rasanya enyaak! Hihihi.

How is your holiday so far? :)

December 6, 2010

Baking-baking time.

Sakin ngga ada kerjaannya di rumah gw kumpulin semua resep yang pernah gw isengin catet dari internet sewaktu di Oz.
Mohon maap kalo kue pertama temanya pisang lagi dan lagi karna gw nggak bisa hidup tanpa pisang hehe. #lebay

Gw kasi nama Banana and Choc Chip Muffin.
Secara pisang di Indo ngga segede pisang-pisang Oz yang ukuran jumbo, gw sampe pake 5 pisang baru kerasa. Tapi enak juga, syenang!

Hari ini gw bikin 2 macem. Brownies dan risoles.
Peanut Butter Brownies.
Dapet resep dari tapi resep mama jauh lebih enak. Si mama baru ngasi resepnya waktu udah dibake. Still edible but too much sugar :(

Yang terakhir adalah Risoles, makanan khas nenek moyang gw. Resep mama memang juara dan ngga bisa ditemuin risol enak yang kaya mama dimana-mana hihihi.
Yang bikin risol ini beda, adalah campuran susu dan jamur. Isinya jadi lebih creamy kaya pasta :P

Sekian buat hari ini :)
Keep the spirit for the week ahead and God bless!

December 5, 2010

Liburan musim panas.

Udah seminggu di Medan, kampung halaman tercinta. Herannya kenapa pulang kali ini nggak begitu menarik dan se-eksaited tahun lalu pas masi CIC (secara gue masi baru dan beranggapan Perth itu super bosan dan sepi). Tapi ternyata semakin lama gue jadi cinta Perth. Hanya dalem setahun. Salah satu alasan mungkin karena ICYO dan kegiatannya yang bikin gue super betah hehehe. *kangen ICYO bak pacar seperti kata Mas Evan T.B.*

Anywho, gue bete to the max.
Setelah tiap hari mantengin website Garuda Indonesia buat tiket ke Jakarta kalo-kalo harga tiket masi murah, dan akhirnya udah naik tapi masi belum kebeli. Malahan bokap bilang nggak usah pergi dulu.
*Papa tersayang, aku pengin liburan plis! Aku aja yang terbang sendiriiii* Dan sampe skarang tiket masi belum kebeli. #bencai #emosai

Moreover, kegiatan liburan hanya dipenuhi dengan
* online 24 jam dengan internet yang super tetot dari Speedy.
* makan
* tidur
* latihan scale piano
* bikin kue
* niru-niru The Wandering Kind-nya mas Josh Groban di piano
* ngomel-ngomel kepanasan, suntuk, sepi, bosen
* bikin long list makanan Medan
* nyoba-nyoba ngedit foto di photoshop
* mantengin website kerjaan
* dan hal random lain-lainnya

Ya Tuhan, mohon maap saya nggak produktif banget dan hanya bisa mengeluh saja. 

Last but not least, gue suka banget ini lagu. Boleh coba didengerin :)

Gue sedang dalam masa gempar-gemparnya bikin kue. The next post mungkin akan berisi makanan lagi :)

December 3, 2010

Mom's Painting

These are few of my favourite paintings of Momsy.

My birthday present 2 years ago, hanging on my wall room :) 

 Loving the bluey eye of the Jesus portrait. He watches you from the entire room.

The Mother of Dolorosa. 

Mother Mary and Baby Jesus.

Semuanya agak berbau rohani ya hahaha. Masih banyak landscape yang lain sih, tapi gue lebih kagum sama portrait-portrait dan lipatan-lipatan kain yang dilukis.

Enjoy holiday peeps!

December 2, 2010

Terima Kasih Tuhan

Terkadang gue bencikk sama diri sendiri, kenapa bisa terlalu lemah.
Kenapa nggak bisa tetep optimis sama hidup.
Kenapa terlalu banyak yang dipikirin dan suka mikir terlalu lebai.

Masalah-masalah dateng tepat selama semester ini. Jreng jreng. Nggak nanggung-nanggung semuanya. Mulai dari masalah group mate assignment yang mengancam kelulusan, sampai masalah lain yang nggak bisa disebutkan. Nggak keitung lagi berapa kali nangis sampe air mata udah kering dalam seminggu.

Untungnya masalah sekolah udah berakhir dan ini berkat *boleh gue bilang mukjijat nyata* dari Tuhan. Gue lagi duduk-duduk di Changi airport nunggu flight pulang dan tiba-tiba gue ngecek email dan gue dapet 0 buat projek gue. Betapa gue ngerasa hati gue remuk dan nggak ada masa depan lagi. Sambil nangis gue telepon nyokap dan dia cuman bilang "Yasudah gapapa, kamu udah berusaha kan yang penting? Yuk kita berdoa sama-sama skarang juga dan tetep yakin kamu lulus." Jawaban yang super simpel dan bikin gue kesel karna gue tau gue udah failed.
Tapi kuasa Tuhan itu besar ya, gue semaleman ngumpulin bahan assignment dengan bantuan Edward (tengkiu Wardoy bantuannya!), dan selesai jam 3 subuh langsung disubmit. Besok siangnya dapet email kalo tugas gue diapproved dan gue LULUS. Ngga pernah berenti gue mengucap syukur buat ini sama Tuhan, ternyata Tuhan masi sayang banget sama gue.
*thanks momski, for being my spiritual teacher and having faith in me. Sayang mamaa!*

Untuk masalah yang satu..
Gue ngga tau apa memang udah berakhir sampai disini. Atau memang mungkin sudah. Memang gue sempet down dan masi sampai sekarang. Tapi gue tetep seneng dan bersyukur.
I still have the feeling but I don't expect anything to happen.
I always pray and never stop praying and hoping the best. I hope you do too.